
Savory Spelt Tabouli

I made this Savory Spelt Tabouli for lunch with leftover ingredients that I had on hand like beans! 🥙🥒🥬🌶🍃🌿

Very simple and easy. Just make sure to cook the spelt berries ahead of time. I soak them overnight, so next day and I just need to cook them for around 15 minutes. When the grains are soft and tender, just drain the leftover water.


One serving
🌱1/2 cup cooked spelt berry;
🌱Handful chopped cucumber 🥒;
🌱 Handful chopped cherry tomatoes 🍅;
🌱 Handful chopped red cabbage;
🌱Small Handful of fresh rosemary and cilantro, finally chopped;
🌱 1 tsp spice blend (finally chopped almonds, sesame seeds, fennel seeds, coriander and anise seeds) I got mine from @traderjoes
🌱1 Tbsp olive oil;
🌱1/2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar;
🌱1 Tbsp Lemon juice 🍋;
🌱Salt and Pepper to taste;

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve on top of mixed greens like arugula, spinach, baby kale or romaine lettuce;

Top with 1/4 avocado 🥑 or pumpkin seeds. You can also serve with vegan coconut yogurt and/or pitta bread and some hummus.

Hope you enjoy these light and refreshing Savory Spelt Tabouli!


Uma porção
🌱 1/2 xícara de bagas de espelta cozida;
🌱 Pepino picado à mão 🥒;
🌱 Punhado de tomates cereja picados 🍅;
🌱 Repolho roxo picado;
🌱 Pequeno punhado de alecrim fresco e coentro, picado;
🌱 1 colher de chá de mistura de especiarias (finalmente amêndoas picadas, sementes de gergelim, sementes de erva-doce, sementes de coentro e anis)
🌱 1 colher de sopa de azeite;
🌱 1/2 colher de sopa de vinagre de maçã;
🌱 1 colher de sopa de suco de limão;
🌱 Sal e pimenta a gosto;

Misture todos os ingredientes em uma tigela e sirva com verduras mistas, como rúcula, espinafre, couve ou alface;
Sirva com abacate ou sementes de abóbora, iogurte de coco vegano ou pão pitta e um pouco de hummus.

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